Alexander Technique Lessons
Lessons are usually taught in private 50-minute sessions.A certified teacher, skilled in the technique, leads the student in simple activities, such as sitting, standing, bending, and walking. Through self-observation and direct experience at the hands of the teacher, students learn to recognize habits that interfere with ease of movement.
The Alexander Technique helps reawaken a natural process that enables us to change long-standing habits and function more efficiently. This new awareness will carry over to all aspects of the student’s life, giving the means to tackle more complex activities with skill and poise.

The muscular habits that a student brings to a lesson can be resistant to change even with the Alexander teacher’s hands-on guidance. Part of the lesson therefore usually takes place on a table, where the teacher can help the student change some of these habits without the interference of movement.
Lasting change occurs over the course of a series of AT lessons, during which the energy used to maintain stressful and counterproductive habits can be freed for more effective uses.

Alexander students include people from all walks of life who seek relief from chronic pain due to poor posture or congenital conditions or to occupations or lifestyles that involve long periods of standing, bending, or sitting.
If you are a performing artist or athlete, or if you are simply concerned about your general health and well-being, you may benefit from the Alexander Technique.